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Learn How To Learn, Improve or Master English, Russian, Spanish,... Typing (PC Keyboarding) and Any Other Subject up to Ten Times More Effectively with SupremeLearning™ & LearnHowToLearnAndTeachFast™ Courses & Seminars, developed by Gin I. Paris & World-Renowned Educator, Bestselling Author, Guinness and Marvel Book World Champion in Multilingual Instruction & Computer Keyboarding, Mr. Michael Shestov

Michael Shestov:
"When the language instructors of even such great countries as US and UK can hardly even dream of effectively improving any level of language skills of the 'old' and 'new' Americans and Britons, who is left to help the foreign authors of modern English self-study manuals and courses, master pronunciation and teach themselves to speak and write standard English fluently?" [Read more...]


If it walks like an educator,
And talks like an educator,
You can bet it's
  NOT  an educator.

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Who's Michael Shestov?

Images of principal author, Michael Shestov, and one of his Guinness certificates

The supernova -- born and developed

M. Shestov in New York

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SupremeLearning's founding author, MICHAEL SHESTOV, is a:

  • World-renowned educator, international investigative journalist and syndicated columnist in the field of education; linguist-polyglot; advisor to a number of UN organizations, and American and Russian governmental agencies with goals of increasing the effectivity of the continuing education and the learning process of adults

  • Scientific leader of several charitable and profitable national and international institutions interested in conducting research on solving the worldwide problem of how to increase the productivity of the interaction between humans and computers

  • Recognized by U.S. and other countries' authorities as having extraordinary abilities in the sciences and education

  • Honorable president of "Alma Mater" press association

  • Member of New York Foreign Press Association and New York Press Association

  • Guinness and Marvel Books of World Records keyboarding and teaching phenomenon

  • Former assistant to the Minister of Special and Professional Education (at age 25)

  • Master worker in over 20 languages

  • Proficient word processor on over 40 computer keyboards of the world

  • Ergonomic analyst and consumer advocate

  • Morse code expert and instructor

  • Master kick-boxer and instructor

  • Self-taught classical pianist


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About twenty years ago, Shestov devised his first teaching system, which allowed military telegraphists to reach professional levels of working within 7 days, instead of the usual 4 months. The system had a 95 percent success rate, rather than the 40 to 50 percent success rate only sometimes reached by the previous system. Shestov subsequently discovered how to practically apply the newly formulated pedagogical principles of his system to Morse code, native and foreign language improvement, speed reading, short and longhand writing, sign language, and other areas -- all of which amazingly had the same success rate as the original system used with telegraphists.

The SupremeLearning system can be applied to any area involving human movements. SupremeLearning has extraordinary impact with those areas that must be performed virtually error-free, so as to prevent human and material injuries, as well as financial losses. SupremeLearning's success is partly due to its special exercises carefully developed for the adult brain, combined with ergonomically correct movements, which quickly generate new brain cell connections -- consequently, providing higher quality and more stable performances, as well as allowing significantly shorter learning periods.

A main difference between SupremeLearning and the traditional -- as well as, ostensibly, accelerated -- methods of teaching is Shestov's goals in stressing the importance of teaching slow learning students, students with psychological disorders, and people who have failed to learn from other courses. SupremeLearning can be applied to children and adults at all levels of ability, from beginners all the way to the most advanced -- the system's specialty being adults who are seemingly "stuck" at whatever level they are currently.

As one example, Shestov was designated the world's fastest, most efficient multi-lingual instructor by the Marvel book of records, human achievements, and phenomena, after spending in 1993 only 7.5 hours (20 times faster than other instructors would have taken), to teach 80 children in Denmark to type and spell perfectly in Danish. This is especially noteworthy since Danish is not Shestov's native language (he was born in Russia). SupremeLearning was subsequently officially endorsed by the Danish minister of education as the "best on earth".


Michael Shestov and the Founder of the United Nations "Earth Day",
Mr. John McConnell

Michael Shestov & the Acting Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations,
Ambassador Dr. Hanns Schumacher

Michael Shestov & The Ambassador of Argentina in the US,
Mr. Diego Ramiro Guelar

Michael Shestov & Eduardo Juarez-Pagliocco, President,
International Immigrants Foundation/International Cultures Mission,
a United Nation NGO-ECOSOC organization

Michael Shestov & the Permanent Representative of Russian Federation to the United Nations, Ambassador, Mr. Sergei Lavrov


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SupremeLearning educational products are published by Wayward Ventures Publishing.

Our main contact address is:
Wayward Ventures Publishing
79 Pine Street #188, New York, NY 10005, USA

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toll-free: 1-800-557-7763, 1-888-259-7401, 1-888-876-2762, 1-800-880-2287 & 1-877-466-7925 (for US residents only), 1-800-557-7763 (for US & Canada residents only) or
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This page was last updated January 5th, 2012
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