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If it walks like an educator,
And talks like an educator,
You can bet it's
  NOT  an educator.

Learn How To Learn, Improve or Master English, Russian, Spanish,... Typing (PC Keyboarding) and Any Other Subject up to Ten Times More Effectively with SupremeLearning™ & LearnHowToLearnAndTeachFast™ Courses & Seminars, developed by Gin I. Paris & World-Renowned Educator, Bestselling Author, Guinness and Marvel Book World Champion in Multilingual Instruction & Computer Keyboarding, Mr. Michael Shestov


ATTENTION! Based on numerous requests from Russian speaking citizens of the world, expressed in letters, emails, and phone calls to Wayward Ventures Publishing, and opinions given in international forums of "RuNet" ("Russian Internet"), management of our publishing company has found a way to temporarily reduce the prices of SupremeLearning English & Any Other Subject courses. This price abatement is purposefully timed with the publishing of the new version of the Comprehensive course [6.5].


A short description of course special editions on sale

The methods of ordering or purchasing the COMPREHENSIVE course "SupremeLearning English & Any Other Subject" (for Russian speakers)

1.Via e-commerce system "PayPal"

2. By money transfer via: "MoneyGram", "Western Union", etc.

3. Via mail or a personal visit

4. By COD's -- "Collect On Delivery"

5. Other methods, notes


New! The Comprehensive Course of SupremeLearning English & Any Other Subject for Russian Speakers (with video materials on DVD & audio materials on CD in MP3 format) [v.6.5-DVD/CD]:
** 3
standard compact disks in MP3 format (of about 36 hours),
4 Region & Code Free DVD's (of about 8.5 hours),
** 1
PC program for Windows: SupremeLearning or Improvement of Typing, Writing Style, and Spelling (available by download only),
** 1
SupremeLearning Any Subject Instructional Guidebook,
** A free gift: 2 books by M. Shestov, (1) SupremeLearning English & Any Other Subject & (2) SupremeImprovement Russian Instructional Books plus some additional educational materials.
Regular price: $209.95. The basic sale price: $148.95 (see all of the purchasing options below).

(Detailed information on these courses is given on the page "The Pricelist and the Course Descriptions for Russian Speakers", which is currently only in Russian.)

Questions? Call 24/7 Toll Free (in US & Canada): 1-800-557-7763, 1-800-880-2287 or Direct: 1-917-208-7434
To submit an online inquiry through our contact form, please click here.

The methods of ordering or purchasing the special edition of the COMPREHENSIVE course "SupremeLearning English & Any Other Subject" (For Russian speakers)

Sale ends July 25th, 2012

1. Via e-commerce system "PAYPAL"

Sale price:
(shipping and handling fees to any country are included)

A. COMPREHENSIVE course (on 4 DVD's & 3 CD's: v.6.5-DVD/CD)=$105.95
Click on the "Buy Now" button below:

2. By money transfer via "MoneyGram",
"Western Union", etc.

Sale price:
(Note: the client also pays the price of the actual transfer operation)

COMPREHENSIVE course (on 4 DVD's & 3 CD's: v.6.5-DVD/CD)=$107.00

The money transfer shall be sent to the name of Irene Safronova, 79 Pine Street #188, New York, New York, 10005, U S A. Contact phone number: +1 (917) 208-9964.

After the money transfer operation has taken place, you shall send us through our contact form (please click here), the code, transfer number, password and any other pertinent information insuring that we receive your payment. You may send us a copy of the actual receipt - by email, fax or postal mail, but that usually is not necessary.

We will then mail you the ordered course via USPS "Priority" or "Global Insured Mail", which you will receive approximately in 7 to 14 days (varying depending on the region of the world where you reside).

3. Via mail or a personal visit

Sale price:
COMPREHENSIVE course (on 4 DVD's & 3 CD's: v.6.5-DVD/CD)=$99.00
(shipping and handling fees are included)

1. You can purchase any course via mail, by sending a check or a money order in US dollars. Make checks out to "Michael Shestov" or "WVP". Include a title of the course (e.g., Comprehensive - see above). Mail to one of the following addresses:
Wayward Ventures Publishing 79 Pine Street #188, New York, New York 10005, USA or
Wayward Ventures Publishing 3072 Brighton First Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235, USA.

a) When ordering by check, learning materials will be sent to the client after their check has cleared our bank,
b) When payment is made with a money order, learning materials are shipped the following business day.

2.You may also pay us a personal visit. Cash and money orders are accepted at the following New York address:

Wayward Ventures Publishing, 3072 Brighton First Street, Brooklyn, NY 11235, from 10 a.m. till 8 p.m., seven days a week. If you have any trouble finding the building, please, call us toll-free: 1-888-259-7401 - we'll guide you on any matters.

Note: The building is located in Brighton Beach - district of Brooklyn, at "Ocean Parkway" New York subway stations (line Q).

4. By COD's -- "Collect On Delivery"

Sale price:
(Note: delivery persons will only accept cash or money orders)

COMPREHENSIVE course (on 4 DVD's & 3 CD's: v.6.5-DVD/CD)=$115.00
(shipping and handling fees are included)

Only in the United States. Courses can be ordered COD's -- "collect on delivery" (UPS or USPS).
Send your COD preference with your materials order by mail (at the New York address given above). Materials usually are sent the same business day we receive your request. Approximate delivery time: 3 to 8 business days.

To place an order you can also call toll-free: 1-888-259-7401, 1-800-880-2287, 1-800-557-7763, 1-877-466-7925

or direct: 1-917-208-7434 & 1-917-208-9964

or fax: 1-253-981-1477

or email us: info@supremelearning.com, info@learnhowtolearn.com or info@learnhowtolearnandteachfast.com

5. By any other way

You may send us a request through our contact form (please click here) for written information or to make an appointment for a phone consultation. Don't forget to give us your name, contact phone, the city and the country where you want the products to be delivered and proposed method of payment. Within 3 business days an English speaking administrator of WVP will contact you to discuss all possible purchase and delivery options.

How to contact us

Our main contact address is:
Wayward Ventures Publishing
79 Pine Street Ste. 188, New York, NY 10005, USA

Our phone numbers are:
toll-free: 1-888-259-7401 & 1-877-466-7925, 1-800-880-2287 & 1-800-557-7763 (for US & Canada residents only) or
direct: 1-917-208-7434 & 1-917-208-9964;
fax: 1-253-981-1477
email: info@supremelearning.com,
info@learnhowtolearn.com or info@learnhowtolearnandteachfast.com

Notes: "Michael Shestor" is a literary pseudonym of Michael Shestov who is an International Investigative Journalist in the field of Education.

When ordering by check or money order, allow 1 to 1.5 weeks for delivery. For rush delivery (allow 3-7 days for delivery), add $10 and write "Rush Delivery" on the envelope and on your order form. Clients ordering via the Internet will need to consult us by email or phone as to how they can speed up their order.

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This page was last updated June 30th, 2012
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